Marcin Stanowski

| IATEFL Poland
Marcin Stanowski


Marcin Stanowski is a public school teacher, psychologist and trainer. Has been training teachers around the world since 2010. Forever caring for teachers' well-being. Currently interested in fostering key competencies in ELT classes, critical thinking and media literacy. More at

AI and Media Literacy: Navigating the Digital Landscape

In an era where information flows ceaselessly through digital channels, the fusion of AI and media literacy has never been more crucial. I will explore how AI technologies are reshaping the media landscape, both positively and perilously, and how media literacy education is evolving to empower individuals in the digital age, or not at all…
Hopefully, we will discover how AI algorithms impact content creation, curation, and dissemination, influencing what we see, hear and believe.
Will we gain insights into the ethical implications of AI-driven content manipulation?
Will we discover the vital role media literacy plays in discerning fact from fiction?
Join me for AI and Media Literacy: Navigating the Digital Landscape to stay informed and empowered or bitter and disillusioned in our rapidly evolving media ecosystem…

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